Informations générales

Anglais / English
Type de membre
Membres titulaires



Université de Lorraine
Campus LSH

Bâtiment A
23 Bd Albert 1er

54000 Nancy


Bureau A254 bis - Casier 97



Domaines de recherche/Research Interests

  • Roman des XVIII et XIXe siècles
    Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Novel
  • Études écossaises
    Scottish Studies
  • Critique comparée (anglais/français)
    Comparative Criticism (English/French)
  • Traduction


  • Ph.D in English literature, Sorbonne University (Paris IV), France (2011)
  • Masters Degree in English literature, Sorbonne University (Paris IV), France (2007)
  • Competitive Examination (agrégation ; English), ENS Ulm, France (2006)
  • B.A., Sorbonne University (Paris IV), France (2003)

Projets en cours/Current Projects

Her research is concerned with the concept of cultural (and especially literary) transfers through her main focus which is translation, both in the sense of a change of languages, and of a transaction and transmission between two cultures, and in particular between Britain (Scotland) and France in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

She used to be a non-stipendiary Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at the University of Oxford (Wolfson College), 2012-2019; and the first coordinator/ project manager (2013-2014) for the Oxford Centre for Comparative Criticism and Translation.

From 2016-2022, she was part of the AHRC-funded ‘Prismatic Jane Eyre’ project headed by Prof. Matthew Reynolds (University of Oxford) and Dr. Sowon Park (University of California, Santa Barbara). This collaborative experiment looks closely at Bronte’s novel as it is translated into multiple languages, understanding this process as transformation and growth rather than as loss. Together with two Masters students (Léa Koves-Rychen and Vincent Thiery), she is responsable for the study of the French translations of Charlotte Brontë’s canonical novel. The book is now out and can be freely read and downloaded online:


Other functions and responsabilities:

Together with colleagues Barbara Schmidt (UFR LLCER, Nancy) and Emmy Peultier (IUT Charlemagne, Nancy), she is one of the co-founders and co-organisers of the ARIEL programme, an international writer’s residence based at Université de Lorraine (

As of September 2021, she is the Director of Graduate Studies for MA Bilangue-Biculture programme.

She is the SERA’s secretary (Société d’Études du Romantisme Anglais), and she was a jury member (2015-2019) for the ‘Agrégation Interne’ competitive examination formerly presided  by Bertrand Richet (up to 2018) and currently led by Valérie Lacor (from 2019). From 2020 (to 2024), she is a jury member for the ENS competitive examination.

She is a book reviewer for BARS’s Bulletin and Review (British Association for Romantic Studies), The Review of English Studies, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens, SELVA (Society for the Study of Travel Writing in English), French Sudies, and The Wenshan Review, among others.

She aims at making her research accessible to a wider audience. For example, she is regularly commissioned to write articles for the Opéra National de Paris (“publications lyriques”). She wrote a piece on the borders of madness in Scott’s The Bride of Lammermoor when Lucia di Lammermoor was performed in the autumn 2016. She wrote another article on Old Mortality for the staging of Bellini’s I Puritani in the autumn 2019.


