Illustr4tio is an international research network on illustration studies and practices. It aims at bringing together illustrators, authors, printmakers, publishers, curators, collectors and researchers who have a common interest in illustration in all its forms, from the 16th century to the 21st century.

Our working languages are English and French. We run regular conferences and seminars and we edit collective books. We contribute to making illustration a research field in its own right, and to building an international network connecting practitioners and researchers worldwide.

We welcome a variety of approaches, among which print culture, material culture, book history and practices and text/image studies. We are also interested in creative processes and techniques.

Please visit our website regularly and feel free to contribute by posting information about current and upcoming events (conferences, exhibitions, etc.), calls for papers and for contributions, academic research, illustrated books, works in progress, book reviews, interviews – anything you think is worth sharing with us and our visitors!